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About Us


The MISSION of Deliverance Outreach Temple Church is:  To worship and praise God in spirit and in truth, to make disciples of Jesus Christ, to minister to the needs of our members and neighbors, to evangelize, convert, and reach out to the un-churched by providing a caring structure for families, providing diversity in worship, and knowledge of spiritual gifts. 

Our Goal is to reach our community, our city everyday with the Gospel of Jesus Christ .

                                             Vision of the Church

We believe this ministry to be of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

and God our Father in heaven, who called us to establish

this work in Clarksville, Tennessee and throughout the world.


The Deliverance Outreach Temple and the churches established

will operate with Christ being head of all churches and ministries

as we follow His Spirit.


We believe the outpouring of Christ Spirit will be present with

signs, miracles, and wonders following as He confirms His

Word in and through  us.


The ministry will reach out to the community and the world through a spirit

of the agape love of God, ministering to the total man though music;

preaching and teaching.


The Deliverance Outreach Temple will mentor, license, and ordain

those called to work in this ministry and send them out all over

the world for the work of the ministry, for the perfecting of the

saints and the edifying of the body of Christ.


The Deliverance Outreach Temple and all other churches established  will operate according to the gifts in 1 Corinthians 12, the offices of the Body of Christ in Ephesian 4:11, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers and  all the fruits of the Spirit which is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance, according to Galatians 5:22.






                                                                                   Church History


Deliverance Outreach Temple Church, formerly known as "House of the Lord," began April 26, 1992 by Timothy W. and Stephanie Y. Grant.  Pastor Grant received a vision from God that the church motto would be "Hands Reaching Out to the Community."  The first church meeting was held in Pastor and First Lady Grant's home.  The following families were in attendance: Wiggins Lonesome, and Preston and Brisbon. The search for a place to worship ended at 924 Power Street.  The Grants were drawn to the large, but symbolic picture of the cross that remained on the window of the vacant building.   On May 2nd and 8th of the same year, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, the church hosted evangelistic meetings on that street.  These community outreach meetings prefaced the first worship service held on May 10, 1992 with 39 in attendance.  Davis, Wiggins, Lonesome, Preston, Brisbon, Freemon, Grant, Carter, and Brother Steven Chisley were some of the first families in attendance that were planted by the Lord.  The House of the Lord had their first revival service during the week of August 17 -21.  The Charter for the State of Tennessee was signed August 26, 1992 and filed with the State of Tennessee, on September 10, 1992. Six months after its inception, 18 families joined the ministry. However, by year end, the Grant Family departed House of The Lord and the Clarksville community when Pastor Grant received military reassignment orders.  Pastor Grant would now oversee many changes in this ministry.  As a result, on January 1, 1993, Elder Garrett performed duties as the interim pastor until February 17, 1993 whereby Elder Emmanuel Davis was appointed Pastor of House of The Lord.

In March of 1993, House of The Lord was officially changed to Deliverance Outreach Temple, (D.O.T.)  This name was recommended by Elder Emmanuel Davis to Pastor Grant.   There were numerous House of the Lord's already established in the State of Tennessee, so after much prayer and consideration Pastor Grant concurred with Elder Davis.   


The church celebrated its first Anniversary in May and moved to a larger facility located on 201-B Providence Blvd.  Holding to the vision, again the church had an evangelistic meeting outside of the building where food, clothing and other tangible items were provided.  D.O.T served a rapidly changing military community as well as local natives of Clarksville. The ministry itself was later dedicated in December followed by a new year of more changes. February 1994 the Davis family moved to Germany due to reassignment orders, as well.  Nonetheless, the aforementioned Minister Lonesome became the interim pastor.  In March 1994, D.O.T farewelled the Lonesome's.  Overseer Grant gave ministerial licenses to Elder Preston and Minister Chisley in July, followed by appointment of Elder Preston as Pastor. In November 1995, membership grew to 91.  The ministry continued to reach the community with the addition of 30 new members in 1996.  By 1997, 71 new members were added to the church roll. Elder Preston's tenure as interim Pastor ended as D.O.T. ecstatically welcomed Pastor Grant and family as they returned to the ministry in April 1996.  D.O.T continued to respond to the needs of the community.  


In January of 1998 the church published its first newsletter.  Moreover, in May 1998 the church revamped the clothing and food ministries, purchased a church van and a piano.  The ministry maintained a steady pace into 1999 with the addition of 89 new members, new choir robes, computers and audio equipment and a CD player for the van ministry.  The D.O.T. Minister's Manual was published in April 2000.  To preface the many facets of change, on May 21, 2000 as Pastor Grant and his family prepared for yet another military reassignment, he delivered the State of the Ministry address. It was here that Elder Emmanuel Davis was re-appointed as Pastor.  The Grant Family embarked on the mission field of El Paso, Texas. The church purchased 13.84 acres of land on Garrettsburg Road, Clarksville, with an increase of 45 new members in 2001.  In 2002 an additional 12 members were added to the membership directory.  Also in that year, the church van was paid in full followed by the land groundbreaking ceremony on June 8.  On June 10 D.O.T. celebrated its 10th anniversary.  By this time, the Davis' were reassigned again and the Chairman of the Deacon Board, Joseph Wiggins, was appointed to oversee the ministry. In 2003 the Grant family was assigned to Hawaii.  Pastor Grant traveled from Hawaii to appoint Elder Steve Pearson as the interim Pastor until 2005.  During Pastor Grant's tenure in Hawaii, the vision for Partner's With Deliverance Outreach Temple (PWDOT) came when Deacon and Minister Harold asked if they could support D.O.T with Love Offerings.  The fuel for PWDOT came on September 24 when Pastor called Evangelist Jones and asked her to be the coordinator.  


Moving with the vision, from 2003- 2005 D.O.T. graciously welcomed 46 new members. So, by April 2005 Pastor Timothy and First Lady Stephanie Grant returned as Pastor/Overseers of the church.  Soon after, Moving Towards the Vision (MTTV), was implemented and conducted on the second Wednesdays of each month, the new member's classes were reinstated and as God would allow, Pastor Grant was deployed to Iraq for one year.  First Lady Grant oversaw the ministry in his absence.   

D.O.T saw many remarkable changes in 2006.  In January the land on Garrettsburg Road was paid in full, in April, Pastor Grant. returned as Pastor and Overseer of the ministry and by end of month August, Cumberland Bank of Clarksville approved a loan for $624,000 to help complete the building of the new church on Garrettsburg Rd, Clarksville, Tennessee. In addition to these pacesetter landmarks, the home ministry team had the privilege of installing Steven Chisley as Pastor of Greater Works International Ministries, Clinton, Mississippi and Elder Melvin and Margaret Moore as Pastors of Kingdom Connection Christian Center, Fayetteville, North Carolina.  These two churches are divinely connected with Deliverance Outreach Temple Church as well as the 49 new members added to D.O.T. in 2006.  As of January 2007 Deliverance Outreach Temple is now property owners of 13.84 acres of land, available for expansion of the kingdom by reaching out to the community.  God is not done yet!


Habakkuk 2:3, "For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry."